Final Topics
Data Representation and Storage
- Describe some ways that the abstraction provided by the C language is similar to and different from the abstraction provided by the underlying machine.
- Explain the difference between a program and a process.
- Visualize how memory is arranged in a process.
- Write simple programs to help you answer questions about how memory is arranged in a process.
- Identify what program behavior is governed by C and what is governed by lower layers of abstraction.
- Explain how and why optimized and unoptimized code can behave differently.
- Explain the representations underlying different data types in a C program.
- Recognize common hex numbers.
- Look at a hex number and have a sense of where it is in the address space.
- Add/subtract hexadecimal numbers.
- Define the following terms (with respect to C):
- Object
- Declaration
- Definition
- Use size_t, ssize_t appropriately
- Use pointer arithmetic correctly.
- Explain how C data types arranged in memory:
- Sizes
- Alignment
- Endianness
- Convert between binary, decimal, and hexadecimal
- Explain how both fundamental and derived data types are laid out in memory
- Write code that places things in memory how you want them
- Explain how to encode both positive and negative numbers in binary
- Add and subtract binary numbers
- Explain why 2’s complement is a good representation
- Explain the purpose of dynamic memory
- Define the terms arena, heap
- Identify common errors involving dynamic memory
- Explain how dynamic memory allocations are aligned
- Comfortably manipulate hidden meta-data structures.
- Comfortably build simple functions to a specification.
- Explain the relationship between a language with explicit malloc/free and one that uses garbage collection.
- Build a simple garbage collector for C.
- Demonstrate the impact that the quality of a dynamic memory allocation library can have on application performance.
- Implement a simple fixed-size allocator
- Explain how your allocator could be a piece of a more comprehensive allocator
- Explain what undefined behavior is and know when it can occur
- Understand how to avoid undefined behavior.
- Use sanitizers to debug undefined behavior.
Assembly and Machine Programming
- Explain what assembly language is
- Define:
- Registers
- Instruction
- Operands
- Produce C program from assembly
- Read x86-64 assembly containing arithmetic and logical operators.
- Be comfortable reading assembly that manipulates data of different sizes.
- Use gdb and objdump to examine the assembly underlying a C function/program
- Read simple assembly
- Know what registers are available in x86-64 assembly and their general use cases.
- Become comfortable with the typeless nature of assembly
- Interpret different modes of addressing in x86-64 assembly.
- Interpret test and cmp instructions.
- Explain the different flags in the x86-64 architecture, how they get set and how they get used.
- Follow an assembly program’s control flow
- Read and understand assembly programs using a wide range of addressing modes
- Read and understand assembly programs with a variety of control flow instructions
- Tackle (parts of) Assignment 2!
- Define stack frame and the calling convention.
- Understand which registers are callee saved and which are caller saved.
- Explain how the assembler sets up the stack for execution of a function.
- Locate parameters and local variables on the stack.
- Explain how understanding how programs use memory and being able to read assembly creates opportunities to wreak havoc.
- Explain how compilers (and possibly other tools) help protect you/programs from nefarious behavior.
Standard I/O and Caches
- Define memory hierarchy.
- Evaluate the performance differences found at the different layers of the hardware memory hierarchy.
- Explain the different kinds of caching that processors and hardware systems perform to mitigate the performance differences between the levels of the memory hierarchy.
- Develop intuition about how caching of various types affects program performance
- Explain how caching is used at different layers of the I/O path to improve performance
- Identify location of common caches in the IO path.
- Discuss issues particular to write caches
- Understand what streams and random-access files are and how to use them.
- Define:
- Block size
- Cache block
- Cache slot
- Cache hit/miss rate
- Replacement policy
- Write-back
- Write-through
- Cache consistency
- Explain how read performance changes in the presence of a cache
- Observe the effects of the different caches available in libraries and the operating system
Build a simple read cache.
- Simulate different cache replacement policies
- Given a workload, a cache size, and a replacement policy, calculate hit/miss rates
- Given hit/miss rates and the performance of different levels of the memory hierarchy, compute average access times.
- Use mmap (and its associated calls).
- Explain the relationship between mmap and caching.
- Discuss the pros and cons of using mmap.
- Demonstrate how access patterns affect performance
- Determine how C arrays are allocated in memory
- Modify programs to produce more cache friendly code
- Use strace.
Kernel Programming and Virtual Memory
- Explain what virtual memory is and, conceptually, how it works.
- Explain what process isolation is, why it is important, and how virtual memory helps us achieve it
- Identify the different mechanisms that processor hardware uses to help provide process isolation
- Define “dangerous” instructions and tell whether an instruction is dangerous
- Identify the different mechanisms that the operating system kernel uses to provide process isolation
- Describe how the operating system kernel and processor hardware work together
- Define protected control transfer
- Define exception
- Distinguish the three kinds of exception: traps, faults, and interrupts
- Explain what support hardware must provide to enable virtual memory.
- Describe what an MMU does and how hardware helps with the MMU function
- Given mapping tables, translate between virtual and physical addresses manually
- Manipulate addresses to extract various fields
- Reason about various trade-offs in virtual memory systems
- Be able to talk about page faults and why they might occur
- Explain how control transfers between user-level processes and the kernel
- Be able to write code that handles virtual memory for fork
- Explain the impact of recursion on memory consumption
- Design ways to limit a process’s stack consumption.
- Explain what the fork system call does from both an application programming perspective and an operating system perspective
- Explain the copy-on-write concept
- Be comfortable with debugging on WeensyOS
Shells and Process Management
- Explain how processes are created
- Create new processes, synchronize with them, and communicate exit codes back to the forking process.
- Know how exec works and be able to write code using it
- Start building a simple shell
- Manually set up pipelines
- Understand how conditionals are used in a shell
- Use pipes comfortably to:
- Communicate between parents and children
- Communicate between sibling processes
- Be prepared to convert from manually constructing pipelines to doing so in your shell.
- Redirect standard in and standard out
- Implement proper pipe and file descriptor hygiene.
- Use errno and system call return values to catch and distinguish error conditions.
- Develop/identify test programs that will help you debug your shell
- Write signal handlers
- Write code that uses signal handlers
- Explain the difference between blocking and polling.
- Discuss the tradeoffs between blocking and polling.
- Discuss how to use blocking system calls to coordinate processes.
- Be able to use utilization as a metric to measure system efficiency.
- Use the system calls related to sending signals.
- Explain the select system call.
- Read man pages and use them to determine how a system call or library function should be used.
Synchronization and Concurrency
- Define thread and understand how it differs from a process
- Identify possible race conditions in code
- Develop solutions that avoid race conditions
- Define:
- Mutual exclusion
- Critical section
- Race condition
- Deadlock
- Starvation
- Use mutexes and CVs to solve simple synchronization problems, bathroom-themed or not
- Be comfortable using the pthreads APIs to:
- create threads
- wait for threads
- synchronize threads
- Explain what mutexes and CVs are and know when you might want to use them
- Explain the relationship between mutexes and CVs
- Explain how hardware helps us implement synchronization
- Atomic instructions
- Explain how synchronization problems arise and what bad things can go wrong.
- Use pipes to synchronize between two processes
- Identify race conditions when we need to both wait and test a condition.
- Know how to use sockets, including how to use a socket to set up connection both clientside and serverside
- Define:
- Client
- Server
- Protocol
- RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
- Be able to send HTTP requests and receive the server’s response
- Know how to make your client robust to delays or lost connections
- Modify an existing server to efficiently handle multiple connections
- Apply what we learned about synchronization to manage our server
- Define denial of service attacks.
- Apply defensive coding practices to make your server immune to a DOS
attack like the one launched by