In Class Exercises
9/3/15 Course Overview
9/8/15 Memory Exploration
9/10/15 Data Representation
9/15/15 Building a String Library (You can
find a sample solution in the cs61-exercises repository on a separate
branch: sample-soln. Then look in the l04/sample-soln directory.)
9/17/15 Building an Allocator(You can find a
sample solution in the cs61-exercises repository on a separate branch:
sample-soln. Then look in the l05/sample-soln directory.)
9/22/15 Reading Assembler
9/24/15 Reading Assembler - Part II
(Since you have both the .c
and .s
files, there are no solutions for
this exercise.)
9/29/15 Assembly Roulette (No
solutions here, but feel free to browse the collection of assembly in
the Google Docs.)
10/1/15 Introduction to Caching
10/6/15 Building a cache
10/8/15 Building a cache (cont)
10/13/15 Caching and Matrix
10/15/15 Baby Shell
10/20/15 Midterm Review
10/27/15 Pipes and Redirection
10/29/15 Waiting, signals, and race conditions (Oh
11/5/15 Pthreads
11/10/15 More concurrency and semaphores
11/12/15 Dobby Returns!
11/17/15 Virtual
11/19/15 Learning about Weensy OS
11/24/15 Process Isolation and Weensy
12/1/15 Building Network Servers
12/3/15 Building Network Servers (2)