Late days, penalties, and extensions
Each student has five "late days" which can be applied to any of the assignments. A late day extends the due datetime by 24 hours. At most three late days can be used on any single assignment. You must email course staff before the due datetime to request late days. If you exhaust your late days, or if you fail to request late days in advance, you will receive zero for the assignment. In cases of medical or other emergencies that interfere with your work, have your resident dean or proctor contact the instructor.
A late day for a group submission is counted as a late day for each member of the group.
Students are encouraged to attend both lectures and sections. Lectures will cover some material that is not in the textbook or notes. Sections will cover supplemental material, and revise lecture and assignment material. And sections are a great way to get to know your classmates!
All homework assignments, projects, papers, and examinations submitted are expected to be the student’s own work.
Students must work individually for the first three assignments.
For the programming assignments (assignments 4, 5, and 6), students may work either individually or in pairs. Once you have declared you are working in a pair for a given assignment, you may not change pairs. However, you may change pairs between assignment. Both members of a pair working on an assignment receive the same grade for the assignment, including any late-day penalties. A late day for an assignment submitted by a pair is counted as a late day for each member. This means that if one of the members has no late days remaining, and the assignment is submitted late, then both members of the pair receive zero for that assignment.
You are encouraged to discuss problems with your classmates, and to collaborate in planning and thinking through solutions. So feel free to talk with your classmates about the homeworks, and to form study groups if you like. If you do discuss problems with your classmates, please note this on your homework assignment.
Do not pass solutions to assignments nor accept them from another student. Also, it is never okay to look up solutions to assignments in this class, i.e., don't look on the web for solutions. If you are ever in doubt, ask the course staff to clarify what is and isn't appropriate.
Office hours and contacting course staff
See the course staff page.
Regrading Exams
If you feel we have graded your exam incorrectly, you may request a regrade. However, we will regrade your entire exam not just a single problem. Your grade could go up, down, or stay the same.
Your grade will be determined by a weighted average of your scores on assignments, the midterm exam, the final exam, and class participation. The percentage breakdown (roughly and subject to change) is 50% assignments, 23% midterm, 25% final exam, and 2% participation.