Students who complete a CS 61 test in a non-proctored setting must record and submit a video after completing their test. Video submission is not required for college students who complete the test in a proctored setting.
A video must be uploaded by 30 minutes after your allowed exam time concludes. The video is not itself graded; its purpose is to demonstrate that you understand your own answers. Depending on the quality of the video, course staff may require a longer interview in which you discuss course material. Links to video explanations must not be shared with anyone except the CS 61 course staff.
WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO SELECT AND TEST YOUR RECORDING METHOD BEFORE YOU START THE TEST! We suggest that you record yourself using a program on your phone or computer. Your phone’s video camera is probably fine. If you need to install a recording program, OBS Studio is free and quick to set up.
Test-time instructions
When you’re ready, click on the “Reveal video prompt” button. This button is only active near the end of your exam period.
The button will then select one group of questions from the questions you answered.
From that assigned group, choose ONE question to focus on (e.g., if you are assigned problem 1, choose any one of questions 1A–1F).
Ensure you are not in a public place. Set up your camera; we want to see your face in the video.
Film a three-minute-or-less video in which you explain your reasoning about that problem. Do not worry about capturing a perfect explanation. Remember, the video is not graded and we just want to hear your thought process.
Upload the video to one of these platforms:
- Google Drive (and use the “Share” button to change General access to “Anyone with the link”).
- YouTube (you must designate the video as “unlisted”).
Use your 30 minutes efficiently—you should start uploading the video before the last 10 minutes of the video submission window.
Double check that the video link has the correct sharing settings. One way to check is to visit the link a private browsing window.
Paste the video link into the “VIDEO LINK” test question. After your allowed test time, do not edit your answers to the other test questions.