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Kernel Section 2: Kernel exercises

In today’s section, we’ll walk through a selection of our kernel exercises, which are problems taken from prior exams. Also take the opportunity to ask questions about the problem set and class material.

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All exercises assume a 64-bit x86-64 architecture unless otherwise stated.

The main subjects of these exercises are:

KERN-1. Virtual memory

QUESTION KERN-1A. What is the x86-64 page size? List all that apply.

  1. 4096 bytes
  2. 64 cache lines
  3. 256 words
  4. 0x1000 bytes
  5. 216 bits
  6. None of the above

The following questions concern the sizes of page tables. Answer the questions in units of pages. For instance, the page tables in WeensyOS each contained one level-4 page table page (the highest level, corresponding to address bits 39-47); one level-3 page table page; one level-2 page table page; and two level-1 page table pages, for a total size of 5 pages per page table.

QUESTION KERN-1B. What is the maximum size (in pages) of an x86-64 page table (page tables only, not destination pages)? You may write an expression rather than a number.

QUESTION KERN-1C. What is the minimum size (in pages) of an x86-64 page table that would allow a process to access 221 distinct physical addresses?

The 64-bit x86-64 architecture is an extension of the 32-bit x86 architecture, which used 32-bit virtual addresses and 32-bit physical addresses. But before 64 bits came along, Intel extended 32-bit x86 in a more limited way called Physical Address Extension (PAE). Here’s how they differ.

QUESTION KERN-1D. Which of these two machines would support a higher number of concurrent processes without performance problems?

  1. x86-32 with PAE with 100 GB of physical memory.
  2. x86-64 with 20 GB of physical memory.

QUESTION KERN-1E. Which of these two machines would support a higher maximum number of threads per process?

  1. x86-32 with PAE with 100 GB of physical memory.
  2. x86-64 with 20 GB of physical memory.

KERN-3. Kernel programming

WeensyOS processes are quite isolated: the only way they can communicate is by using the console. Let’s design some system calls that will allow processes to explicitly share pages of memory. Then the processes can communicate by writing and reading the shared memory region. Here are two new WeensyOS system calls that allow minimal page sharing; they return 0 on success and –1 on error.

Here’s an initial implementation of these system calls, written as clauses in the WeensyOS kernel’s syscall function.

    pid_t p = current->regs.reg_rdi;
    uintptr_t addr = current->regs.reg_rsi;

    /* [A] */

    int shindex = current->nshared;
    if (shindex >= MAX_NSHARED) {
        return -1;

    /* [B] */

    current->shared[shindex].sh_addr = addr;
    current->shared[shindex].sh_partner = p;
    return 0;

    pid_t p = current->regs.reg_rdi;
    uintptr_t remote_addr = current->regs.reg_rsi;
    uintptr_t local_addr = current->regs.reg_rdx;

    /* [C] */

    int shindex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < processes[p].nshared; ++i) {
        if (processes[p].shared[i].sh_addr == remote_addr
            && processes[p].shared[i].sh_partner == current->p_pid) {
            shindex = i;
    if (shindex == -1) {
        return -1;

    /* [D] */

    vmiter it(processes[p].pagetable, remote_addr);

    /* [E] */

    vmiter(current->pagetable, local_addr).map(, PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U);

    /* [F] */

    return 0;

Some notes:

QUESTION KERN-3A. True or false: Given this implementation, a single WeensyOS process can cause the kernel to crash simply by calling share one or more times (with no process ever calling attach). If true, give an example of a call or calls that would likely crash the kernel.

QUESTION KERN-3B. True or false: Given this implementation, a single WeensyOS process can cause the kernel to crash simply by calling attach one or more times (with no process ever calling share). If true, give an example of a call or calls that would likely crash the kernel.

QUESTION KERN-3C. True or false: Given this implementation, WeensyOS processes 2 and 3 could work together to obtain write access to the kernel code located at address KERNEL_START_ADDR. If true, give an example of calls that would obtain this access.

QUESTION KERN-3D. True or false: Given this implementation, WeensyOS processes 2 and 3 could work together to obtain write access to any memory, without crashing or modifying kernel code or data. If true, give an example of calls that would obtain access to a page mapped at address 0x110000 in process 5.

QUESTION KERN-3E. True or false: Given this implementation, WeensyOS child processes 2 and 3 could work together to modify the code run by a their shared parent, process 1, without crashing or modifying kernel code or data. If true, give an example of calls that would obtain write access to process 1’s code, which is mapped at address PROC_START_ADDR.

QUESTION KERN-3F. Every “true” answer to the preceding questions is a bug in WeensyOS’s process isolation. Fix these bugs. Write code snippets that address these problems, and say where they go in the WeensyOS code (for instance, you could refer to bracketed letters to place your snippets); or for partial credit describe what your code should do.

KERN-8. More virtual memory

QUESTION KERN-8A. What kind of address is stored in x86-64 register %cr3, virtual or physical?

QUESTION KERN-8B. What kind of address is stored in x86-64 register %rip, virtual or physical?

QUESTION KERN-8C. What kind of address is stored in an x86-64 page table entry, virtual or physical?

QUESTION KERN-8D. What is the x86-64 word size in bits?

KERN-14. A sample page table

QUESTION KERN-14A. Describe contents of x86-64 physical memory that would ensure virtual addresses 0x10'0ff3 through 0x10'11f2 map to a contiguous range of 512 physical addresses 0x9'9999'9ff3 through 0x9'9999'a1f2. We’ve given you the contents of 2 words of physical memory; you should list more. Assume and/or recall:

Physical address Content
0x1f000 0x202007
0x20000 0x1f007