This is not the current version of the class.

Net 5 Activity

A bounded buffer is a queue data structure with a maximum capacity. In systems programming, the most common bounded buffers hold up to CAP characters, where CAP is the buffer capacity. A writer can write characters into the buffer until it is full, and a reader can read characters out of the buffer until it is empty. This kind of bounded buffer is used to implement pipe buffers, network socket buffers, and other communication buffers. (We implemented a bounded buffer in the kernel8 classwork.)

Bounded buffers have interesting blocking behavior.

Bounded buffers also have interesting synchronization behavior, because they involve multiple communicating threads or processes.

Conceptual work

How would you use mutexes and condition variables to build a correctly-synchronized bounded buffer?

1. How many condition variables, and corresponding to which conditions?

2. How many mutexes?

3. Sketch out some pseudocode.

Concrete work

If you have time, implement your plan in our bounded buffer code, cs61-lectures/net5/

Condition variable operations

std::condition_variable_any cv;
std::mutex m;

    // In one atomic step, effectively:
    // (1) Unlocks `m` via `m.unlock()`
    // (2) Blocks until another thread calls `cv.notify*()`.
    // Then, when this thread is woken up, it re-locks `m` via `m.lock()`
    // before returning.

    // Wakes up all threads blocked in `cv.wait()`.

We recommend always using std::condition_variable_any, because std::condition_variable has some surprising gotchas.