We offer remote office hours regularly on Tuesday evenings, 8-9:30pm, for Extension School students. Closer to pset due dates we will offer extra office hours.
We use Zoom for remote office hours. Link to Zoom meeting. You can also manually specify meeting ID: 791 842 998.
You will be promted to install Zoom the first time you click on the link above. Alternatively you can download it from here.
Make sure you have a microphone set up before joining the remote OH. In case your computer doesn't have one, you can connect audio by calling on the phone:
Dial within the US:
+1-646-876-9923 or +1-669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 791 842 998
If you haven't used Zoom before, read the following for a short tutorial.
Using Zoom for Office Hours
We are switching to Zoom for online office hours because it’s easier to manage than Skype.
Join the meeting by typing in the meeting ID or clicking directly on the meeting link.
Once you first join the meeting, you will see the following screen:
Please wait, we will note your position in the queue and move you to the main meeting as soon as possible.
Once you are admitted to the main meeting, you will see all the waiting students over there. If there are too many people talking through audio at the same time, please consider using the chat feature. You can do both group chats and private chats. You will see the following interface for the main meeting:
Sometimes teaching staff may also answer questions directly. If you have questions regarding your code please refrain from discussing them in the main meeting room.
Once a TF is ready to help you, you will receive a notification about an invitation to a Breakout Room. Accept the invitation by clicking “Join”. If you think you dismissed the invitation by accident, just click the “Breakout Room” icon at the bottom of the screen and it should show up again. The TF will only be helping you individually in the breakout room, not in the main meeting.
Please contact cs61-staff@g.harvard.edu or post on Piazza for any questions or concerns.