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Assembly 2: Calling convention

Calling convention

A calling convention governs how functions on a particular architecture and operating system interact. This includes rules about includes how function arguments are placed, where return values go, what registers functions may use, how they may allocate local variables, and so forth. Calling conventions ensure that functions compiled by different compilers can interoperate, and they ensure that operating systems can run code from different programming languages and compilers. Some aspects of a calling convention are derived from the instruction set itself, but some are conventional, meaning decided upon by people (for instance, at a convention).

Calling conventions constrain both callers and callees. A caller is a function that calls another function; a callee is a function that was called. The currently-executing function is a callee, but not a caller.

For concreteness, we learn the x86-64 calling conventions for Linux. These conventions are shared by many OSes, including MacOS (but not Windows), and are officially called the “System V AMD64 ABI.”

The official specification: AMD64 ABI

Argument passing and stack frames

One set of calling convention rules governs how function arguments and return values are passed. On x86-64 Linux, the first six function arguments are passed in registers %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, and %r9, respectively. The seventh and subsequent arguments are passed on the stack, about which more below. The return value is passed in register %rax.

The full rules more complex than this. You can read them in the AMD64 ABI, section 3.2.3, but they’re quite detailed. Some highlights:

  1. A structure argument that fits in a single machine word (64 bits/8 bytes) is passed in a single register.

    Example: struct small { char a1, a2; }

  2. A structure that fits in two to four machine words (16–32 bytes) is passed in sequential registers, as if it were multiple arguments.

    Example: struct medium { long a1, a2; }

  3. A structure that’s larger than four machine words is always passed on the stack.

    Example: struct large { long a, b, c, d, e, f, g; }

  4. Floating point arguments are generally passed in special registers, the “SSE registers,” that we don’t discuss further.

  5. If the return value takes more than eight bytes, then the caller reserves space for the return value, and passes the address of that space as the first argument of the function. The callee will fill in that space when it returns.

Writing small programs to demonstrate these rules is a pleasant exercise; for example:

struct small { char a1, a2; };
int f(small s) {
    return s.a1 + 2 * s.a2;

compiles to:

movl %edi, %eax           # copy argument to %eax
movsbl %dil, %edi         # %edi := sign-extension of lowest byte of argument (s.a1)
movsbl %ah, %eax          # %eax := sign-extension of 2nd byte of argument (s.a2)
movsbl %al, %eax
leal (%rdi,%rax,2), %eax  # %eax := %edi + 2 * %eax


Recall that the stack is a segment of memory used to store objects with automatic lifetime. Typical stack addresses on x86-64 look like 0x7ffd'9f10'4f58—that is, close to 247.

The stack is named after a data structure, which was sort of named after pancakes. Stack data structures support at least three operations: push adds a new element to the “top” of the stack; pop removes the top element, showing whatever was underneath; and top accesses the top element. Note what’s missing: the data structure does not allow access to elements other than the top. (Which is sort of how stacks of pancakes work.) This restriction can speed up stack implementations.

Like a stack data structure, the stack memory segment is only accessed from the top. The currently running function accesses its local variables; the function’s caller, grand-caller, great-grand-caller, and so forth are dormant until the currently running function returns.

x86-64 stacks look like this:


The x86-64 %rsp register is a special-purpose register that defines the current “stack pointer.” This holds the address of the current top of the stack. On x86-64, as on many architectures, stacks grow down: a “push” operation adds space for more automatic-lifetime objects by moving the stack pointer left, to a numerically-smaller address, and a “pop” operation recycles space by moving the stack pointer right, to a numerically-larger address. This means that, considered numerically, the “top” of the stack has a smaller address than the “bottom.”

This is built in to the architecture by the operation of instructions like pushq, popq, call, and ret. A push instruction pushes a value onto the stack. This both modifies the stack pointer (making it smaller) and modifies the stack segment (by moving data there). For instance, the instruction pushq X means:

subq $8, %rsp
movq X, (%rsp)

And popq X undoes the effect of pushq X. It means:

movq (%rsp), X
addq $8, %rsp

X can be a register or a memory reference.

The portion of the stack reserved for a function is called that function’s stack frame. Stack frames are aligned: x86-64 requires that each stack frame be a multiple of 16 bytes, and when a callq instruction begins execution, the %rsp register must be 16-byte aligned. This means that every function’s entry %rsp address will be 8 bytes off a multiple of 16.

Return address and entry and exit sequence

The steps required to call a function are sometimes called the entry sequence and the steps required to return are called the exit sequence. Both caller and callee have responsibilities in each sequence.

To prepare for a function call, the caller performs the following tasks in its entry sequence.

  1. The caller stores the first six arguments in the corresponding registers.

  2. If the callee takes more than six arguments, or if some of its arguments are large, the caller must store the surplus arguments on its stack frame. It stores these in increasing order, so that the 7th argument has a smaller address than the 8th argument, and so forth. The 7th argument must be stored at (%rsp) (that is, the top of the stack) when the caller executes its callq instruction.

  3. The caller saves any caller-saved registers (see below).

  4. The caller executes callq FUNCTION. This has an effect like pushq $NEXT_INSTRUCTION; jmp FUNCTION (or, equivalently, subq $8, %rsp; movq $NEXT_INSTRUCTION, (%rsp); jmp FUNCTION), where NEXT_INSTRUCTION is the address of the instruction immediately following callq.

This leaves a stack like this:

Initial stack at start of function

To return from a function:

  1. The callee places its return value in %rax.

  2. The callee restores the stack pointer to its value at entry (“entry %rsp”), if necessary.

  3. The callee executes the retq instruction. This has an effect like popq %rip, which removes the return address from the stack and jumps to that address.

  4. The caller then cleans up any space it prepared for arguments and restores caller-saved registers if necessary.

Particularly simple callees don’t need to do much more than return, but most callees will perform more tasks, such as allocating space for local variables and calling functions themselves.

Callee-saved registers and caller-saved registers

The calling convention gives callers and callees certain guarantees and responsibilities about the values of registers across function calls. Function implementations may expect these guarantees to hold, and must work to fulfill their responsibilities.

The most important responsibility is that certain registers’ values must be preserved across function calls. A callee may use these registers, but if it changes them, it must restore them to their original values before returning. These registers are called callee-saved registers. All other registers are caller-saved.

Callers can simply use callee-saved registers across function calls; in this sense they behave like C++ local variables. Caller-saved registers behave differently: if a caller wants to preserve the value of a caller-saved register across a function call, the caller must explicitly save it before the callq and restore it when the function resumes.

On x86-64 Linux, %rbp, %rbx, %r12, %r13, %r14, and %r15 are callee-saved, as (sort of) are %rsp and %rip. The other registers are caller-saved.

Base pointer (frame pointer)

The %rbp register is called the base pointer (and sometimes the frame pointer). For simple functions, an optimizing compiler generally treats this like any other callee-saved general-purpose register. However, for more complex functions, %rbp is used in a specific pattern that facilitates debugging. It works like this:

Stack frame with base pointer

  1. The first instruction executed on function entry is pushq %rbp. This saves the caller’s value for %rbp into the callee’s stack. (Since %rbp is callee-saved, the callee must save it.)

  2. The second instruction is movq %rsp, %rbp. This saves the current stack pointer in %rbp (so %rbp = entry %rsp - 8).

    This adjusted value of %rbp is the callee’s “frame pointer.” The callee will not change this value until it returns. The frame pointer provides a stable reference point for local variables and caller arguments. (Complex functions may need a stable reference point because they reserve varying amounts of space for calling different functions.)

    Note, also, that the value stored at (%rbp) is the caller’s %rbp, and the value stored at 8(%rbp) is the return address. This information can be used to trace backwards through callers’ stack frames by functions such as debuggers.

  3. The function ends with movq %rbp, %rsp; popq %rbp; retq, or, equivalently, leave; retq. This sequence restores the caller’s %rbp and entry %rsp before returning.

Stack size and red zone

Functions execute fast because allocating space within a function is simply a matter of decrementing %rsp. This is much cheaper than a call to malloc or new! But making this work takes a lot of machinery. We’ll see this in more detail later; but in brief: The operating system knows that %rsp points to the stack, so if a function accesses nonexistent memory near %rsp, the OS assumes it’s for the stack and transparently allocates new memory there.

So how can a program “run out of stack”? The operating system puts a limit on each function’s stack, and if %rsp gets too low, the program segmentation faults.

The diagram above also shows a nice feature of the x86-64 architecture, namely the red zone. This is a small area above the stack pointer (that is, at lower addresses than %rsp) that can be used by the currently-running function for local variables. The red zone is nice because it can be used without mucking around with the stack pointer; for small functions push and pop instructions end up taking time.


The processor typically executes instructions in sequence, incrementing %rip each time. Deviations from sequential instruction execution, such as function calls, are called control flow transfers.

Function calls aren’t the only kind of control flow transfer. A branch instruction jumps to a new instruction without saving a return address on the stack.

Branches come in two flavors, unconditional and conditional. The jmp or j instruction executes an unconditional branch (like a goto). All other branch instructions are conditional: they only branch if some condition holds. That condition is represented by condition flags that are set as a side effect of every arithmetic operation.

Arithmetic instructions change part of the %rflags register as a side effect of their operation. The most often used flags are:

Although some instructions let you load specific flags into registers (e.g., setz; see CS:APP3e §3.6.2, p203), code more often accesses them via conditional jump or conditional move instructions.

Instruction Mnemonic C example Flags
j (jmp) Jump break; (Unconditional)
je (jz) Jump if equal (zero) if (x == y) ZF
jne (jnz) Jump if not equal (nonzero) if (x != y) !ZF
jg (jnle) Jump if greater if (x > y), signed !ZF && !(SF ^ OF)
jge (jnl) Jump if greater or equal if (x >= y), signed !(SF ^ OF)
jl (jnge) Jump if less if (x < y), signed SF ^ OF
jle (jng) Jump if less or equal if (x <= y), signed (SF ^ OF) || ZF
ja (jnbe) Jump if above if (x > y), unsigned !CF && !ZF
jae (jnb) Jump if above or equal if (x >= y), unsigned !CF
jb (jnae) Jump if below if (x < y), unsigned CF
jbe (jna) Jump if below or equal if (x <= y), unsigned CF || ZF
js Jump if sign bit if (x < 0), signed SF
jns Jump if not sign bit if (x >= 0), signed !SF
jc Jump if carry bit N/A CF
jnc Jump if not carry bit N/A !CF
jo Jump if overflow bit N/A OF
jno Jump if not overflow bit N/A !OF

The test and cmp instructions are frequently seen before a conditional branch. These operations perform arithmetic but throw away the result, except for condition codes. test performs binary-and, cmp performs subtraction.

cmp is hard to grasp: remember that subq %rax, %rbx performs %rbx := %rbx - %rax—the source/destination operand is on the left. So cmpq %rax, %rbx evaluates %rbx - %rax. The sequence cmpq %rax, %rbx; jg L will jump to label L if and only if %rbx is greater than %rax (signed).

The weird-looking instruction testq %rax, %rax, or more generally testq REG, SAMEREG, is used to load the condition flags appropriately for a single register. For example, the bitwise-and of %rax and %rax is zero if and only if %rax is zero, so testq %rax, %rax; je L jumps to L if and only if %rax is zero.

C++ compilers and data structure implementations have been designed to avoid the so-called abstraction penalty, which is when convenient data structures compile to more and more-expensive instructions than simple, raw memory accesses. When this works, it works quite well; for example, this:

long f(std::vector<int>& v) {
    long sum = 0;
    for (auto& i : v) {
        sum += i;
    return sum;

compiles to this, a very tight loop similar to the C version:

        movq    (%rdi), %rax
        movq    8(%rdi), %rcx
        cmpq    %rcx, %rax
        je      .L4
        movq    %rax, %rdx
        addq    $4, %rax
        subq    %rax, %rcx
        andq    $-4, %rcx
        addq    %rax, %rcx
        movl    $0, %eax
        movslq  (%rdx), %rsi
        addq    %rsi, %rax
        addq    $4, %rdx
        cmpq    %rcx, %rdx
        jne     .L3
        rep ret
        movl    $0, %eax

We can also use this output to infer some aspects of std::vector’s implementation. It looks like: